January 12, 2019
She couldn’t stop smiling as we sat there chatting, drinking our hot chocolate and cider. Amy told me about the painful dating process and the reluctant feelings she felt when her friend started pushing to set her up on a blind date. Maybe she said yes because she was curious, and maybe she said yes just so her friend would leave it alone. I don’t know! But I do know that angels on earth and in heaven were hard at work to make it happen!!
After losing his wife to cancer, Jared’s heart was finally open for another angel to come into his and his boy’s lives. So when the request came from a friend to set him up on a blind date, he also said yes.
Their first date was about as awkward as it gets! But they gave it a second shot and the stars seemed to align perfectly for them both. It didn’t take long for them to fall in love and want nothing more than to spend the rest of their lives together!
Which brings us to this beautiful Friday at the Draper Utah Temple, just a week ago.
It was a cold winter day and our hands were completely frozen, even with our hand warmers!!! But our hearts were warm, there was an abundance of joy, and smiles all around.
Amy had carefully planned the timing of her sealing with photographs in mind. So not only did we get the most gorgeous golden dreamy light, but we also had the temple grounds to ourselves! Everything was perfect. Even when the boys were running around, trying to photo bomb photos, and pulling all the crazy faces that they possibly could. But it just felt like home to them both. Jared had raised the shenanigans, and Amy was raised in a home full of boys. So naturally, she’s perfect for the job and she’s going to be a wonderful mother to these boys!! And, they make such a beautiful family!
Dear Amy and Jared,
I’m so excited for you and this new adventure that you’re embarking on together!!! Not only are you a beautiful couple, you are both such wonderful and kind people! Your story reminds me of a line from a song, “God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.” It’s such a beautiful thing when hearts love again and receive healing through unselfish love. I can’t wait to see where your adventures take you!! And with Amy’s love for travel, I can’t wait to see you all travel the world together!! You two are so lucky and those silly little boys are so lucky. What a beautiful family you have!! Thank you so much for trusting me with these memories of yours! I wish you all the joy and happiness that life has to offer!!
Rachel Lindsey
Find out how details can elevate the overall feel and aesthetic of your wedding along with some of the most beautiful and most forgotten details that I promise your aren’t going to want to miss!!
Heavenly! You captured the wonderful spirit of that day perfectly!